What's your water score?

Drink it

Over 300 cafés and counting are proudly serving tap water

We have some of the best drinking water in the world. Not just when it comes to quality, but when it comes to looking after the environment too.

Responsible cafés across Greater Sydney are doing their part to work towards sustainability and reducing their environmental impact. Find a local café that proudly serves tap water near you.

A collage showing how over 520 cafes are proudly serving tap water.

Sustainable tap cafés

All across Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra, sustainable cafés are coming together to make a difference - to make people proud to order tap water over plastic bottled drinks.

Minimise your carbon footprint and reduce your plastic waste simply by choosing tap water. Choosing tap water over bottled water is the environmentally-friendly option to enjoy great-tasting water with the least environmental impact. Switching to tap will help reduce plastic packaging, waste in landfills and your environmental footprint.

Out for brunch? Need your afternoon caffeine hit? Support sustainability and find a local café serving tap water below.


Where is the nearest sustainable tap café?

Search for a sustainable café near you.

Is your local café not on the map?

Tell them about the program next time you’re there.

Join us and help the environment

Choose tap and put your café on the map

Let everyone know that you're beating the bottle and proudly serving tap water at your café. Choosing tap water over bottled drinks is good for you and for the environment.

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