Reduce your environmental impact
There are many ways you can do your part to save water and get drastic on plastic.
Sydney's tap water is not only some of the best in the world, but is also our most sustainable drinking water source for the environment.
Water saving tips
There are many ways to save water. Find everyday water saving tips and do your part to conserve our vital water supply.
Water saving devices
Using water saving products in your household can make a huge difference to your water consumption. Discover what items can help you save water and make the switch.
Beat the Bottle
Sydney Water is committed to protecting and caring for our beaches and waterways. During 2016-17, we removed nearly 2,000 cubic metres of litter from waterways, including one million plastic bottles. Help us beat plastic pollution and get involved in a clean up group in your area.
Sustainable cafés
Reduce your environmental impact by finding cafes and restaurants that are proud to serve tap water over bottled water. Find tap cafes across Greater Sydney and enjoy the most sustainable drinking water option for the environment.
Water stations
Carrying your own water bottle to refill with tap water is a simple switch that will help reduce your environmental impact. Find a water station near you or apply for a portable water station for your next community event.
Brand without a Bottle
We challenged students across Sydney to create a short film about making a change – to drink our tap water over bottled water and reduce plastic waste.
Get drastic on plastic
Plastic bottles can take up to 1,000 years* to biodegrade. By switching from plastic water bottles to tap water, we can all do our part in reducing our environmental impact.
Drinking tap water is the best zero waste option to enjoy high-quality and great tasting water, minimising our personal use of single-use plastics and the energy and resources used during its production. With only a small amount of plastic water bottles being recycled every year, plastic waste is making a big impact on our environmental footprint. Drink containers are a huge part of the problem and drinking tap water is a simple way we can all personally reduce our reliance on single-use plastics.
Join in
Make tap water your drink
Choose to drink tap water and help us reduce plastic bottle waste across Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra.
Switching from bottled water to tap water helps in both reducing plastic waste and keeping more money in your pocket. Calculate how much impact you can make with our Sydney Water calculator and make the switch today.
Want to stay in the loop?