What's your water score?

Beat the Bottle

373 million plastic water bottles end up as waste each year, with some ending up in our beautiful Greater Sydney beaches and waterways.

Help Greater Sydney Beat the Bottle and choose to drink tap water, over single use plastic bottles. You can help keep our environment clean and plastic waste free.

Two women standing proudly with rubbish they have collected at a Beat the Bottle cleanup event in Parramatta.

Get involved

Find a clean up group in your area, start your own group or run an event.

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A group of people using plastic waste as a drum kit at a Beat the Bottle event in Parramatta.

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Help us

Beat plastic pollution

Worldwide, we buy a million plastic bottles every minute. With only a small amount of these bottles being recycled, the environmental impact of plastic pollution is there for all to see.

Help us beat plastic pollution and join a beach clean up or other environmental events with Sydney Water. We're empowering clean up groups across Sydney, Blue Mountains and the Illawarra to continue to run clean up events to help keep our beaches and waterways clean.

Find a cleanup group

Support your community

Have fun. Clean up Greater Sydney.

Sydney Water is committed to protecting and caring for our beaches and waterways. Last summer in 2019-20, we rallied 754 volunteers over 10 weekends to help clear Sydney's harbour, ocean and rivers of rubbish.

Want to get involved? Make sure you refill with tap water, rather than using single us plastic bottles.

Beat the Bottle records sitting on a table at a Beat the Bottle event in Manly.


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Four girls smiling with the plastic waste they've collected at a Beat the Bottle event in Wollongong.


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A young girl using plastic waste as a drumset during a Beat the Bottle event in Parramatta.


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Two girls canoeing on Parramatta river to collect plastic waste at a Beat the Bottle event.


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Get drastic on plastic

Sydney Water is committed to protecting and caring for our beaches and waterways.

Drink containers are a huge part of the problem. With the Beat the Bottle campaign, we want to raise awareness of the fact that drinking tap water is a simple way we can all personally reduce our reliance on single-use plastics.